Advancements in Civil and Construction


The construction industry affects every Australian – our
homes, our workplaces, our schools, our hospitals, our
water supplies. Our advances in construction so far would not be possible without science.

Scientists and engineers have made huge progress in constructing things. We don’t even think about how amazing it is to have:

  • Super tall skyscrapers
  • Buildings that can survive earthquakes and floods
  • Computer images of buildings before they’re even built
  • Structures on water, soft ground, or even in space!

It’s not just about regular construction stuff. Even strange science ideas are helping us construct better:

  • Studying hummingbirds helped make quieter bullet trains.
  • Lotus leaves inspired water-repellent paint.
  • Whale fins taught us how to make planes and submarines go faster.

But it’s not all about new materials and technology. Finding better ways to work and manage construction projects can also make a huge difference. Improving even a small productivity increase could add billions to the economy.


Our products

With the majority of our industry being small businesses, it’s easy to think that cutting-edge research isn’t relevant to their daily challenges.

By focusing on this large market concentration, many of which include the subcontractors that construct the world around us, Vertical Matters is working on making the impact of research and development profound and far-reaching.

We are on a mission to bring to market, innovative products and processes that:

Save money: New technologies and better ways to construct can cut costs.

Safer work: Research makes construction safer for everyone.

Greener future: Research develops eco-friendly materials and techniques.

Helping Australia compete globally: Research keeps our construction industry at the top of the world.


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